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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Losing track of time happens to all of us. We all have so many commitments and things on our mind. So remembering to post on a blog isn't really my number one priority. Time has of course passed, as it always should. I'm past the halfway point in my summer holiday and I'm starting to feel that awful dread creep into the summer haze. School is coming up again soon, as it has my entire life. I was supposed to practice my French, but as most summer goals that didn't really work. All I can hope is that 2 weeks is enough time to seriously improve my French, otherwise I'm screwed. Which I really should be feeling more worried about. Nevermind about other goals such as getting into shape, reading, writing, and art. Maybe if I work really hard it could be possible, but when has that ever happened during a summer holiday.

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