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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hands full

I feel like I'm juggling so many things. I have my school work, the thoughts in my head that I should continue swimming and piano, and the hobbies that I want to do. It just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day, or days in a year, to do all of these things. I guess one can blame all the TV series that seem to dominate our free time. Occupying our attention when we could be spending that time doing other things. Of course there's always the option of multi-tasking, but I feel so much less productive when doing so. If only sleep was obsolete and one could spend those precious hours on other activities.
Moving on, to whoever reads this blog, I will be, or at least trying to, write a story in my free time. On top of that I will be writing a story for my personal project. See what I mean with having my hands full? Hopefully I will be able to publish both stories on Wattpad, if not, I will at least publish the story that is not meant for the personal project. Once it is posted on Wattpad I will post the link and you can provide feedback or just read it :D
So I'm going to get back to writing my story. I don't know how it is going to go though because this is my first attempt at writing this detailed. I normally tend to skim over the details, and scenes, once I passed the exciting introduction of the story. Bye bye then :D

Thursday, September 15, 2011


hey whoever is here :D
This is going to be a really quick post. For school, I have to do a Personal Project. I'm kind of lost, because most of the year already started before the summer holidays. This seems like a really cool project, but I have to pick something by tomorrow!! I have some ideas, but i'm scared to actually pick anything, because it will be a huge commitment! To anyone who is reading this, feedback please?

-Teach teens about a problem (like racism, bullying, internet safety or something) through writing a story
-Writing my own version of a famous story, and incorporating the moral from that story into mine (Shakespeare?)
-Putting together a book list, that I will have read all the books of, and criticized them
-Help aspiring authors realize their dreams by writing my own story (wattpad?)

It would be really helpful if I could get advice, so please leave a comment :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New place, same old problems

Hey! whoever is reading this blog....
I've recently moved to Holland, and started school a little more than a week ago. To say that things would be different would be an understatement. The school, the culture, least to say the weather, all of it is different. I miss my friends so much!

On to what I really wanted to talk, or write, about. I came to this idea because of several things. We recently touched on communism and liberalism in humanities, and my other source of inspiration I will mention in a bit. Whether or not one believes in god, most of us like to believe that we are destined to do something. Whether it be to find that one special person or to get that amazing career. Many of teachers keep telling me that we have a responsibility to the rest of the world to help out in any way we can. You could always interpret that as giving to the needy, recycling, simply sacrificing some of your own belongings or time to those that could have use of them. However, at times when I'm feeling rather dependent on fate, I like to believe that whoever put us on earth or whatever powers of forces control our fates, made us who we are for a reason. This always makes me wonder whether we were given our talents for a reason. Just imagine, somewhere out there, there could be a child in pre-school or a baby being born, or even just one of us teenagers at school, who could cure cancer, invent the new green technology, or do anything. The possibilities are endless.
But...what would happen if those future heroes decided to do something else with their lives, or were never given the chance to discover their talents? Of course, it's important that everyone has a choice in their life, but what about those talents? They go to waste or are used in a field where they are not used to their full capability. An example of this is Willard Wiggan, he is an artist who makes sculptures as small as the head of a pin. I understand that he loves being an artist and this is his calling, but I wonder if his skills could be put to better use. He would make an amazing surgeon and could save so many lives. This is a sombering thought, because how many people around the world could be in similar situations like this? To make myself feel better I tell myself that whatever happened was meant to be, and maybe Willard Wiggan would be an amazing surgeon, but that is just not the way the world is.